Shipping Policy

1. Order Process:

  • Orders are processed within 1-2 business days after receiving order confirmation.
  • You will receive a notification once your order has been shipped.

 2. Shipping Rates & Delivery Estimates:

  • We offer free standard shipping on all orders.
  • Estimated delivery times are 3–7 business days, depending on your location.
  • Express shipping options are available at an additional cost based on location.

3. Shipment Confirmation & Order Tracking:

A shipment confirmation email with tracking information will be sent once your order is shipping.

4. International Shipping:

Currently, we only ship within India.

5. Cash on Delivery (COD):

COD option is available for your convenience. If your item arrives damaged, please contact us within 24 hours with photos of the damage to process the replacement.

6. Warranty Shipping Charges:

During the warranty period, customers may incur courier charges based on their location. Please contact us at for detailed information.